Map of the Island
Hahajima is located approximately 50km south from Chichijima and is long and narrow-shaped. It is a quiet and green island with luxuriant subtropical forests in the mountains. The Megro (Bonin White-eye) is a bird that exists only on Hahajima. Diving has become allowed since April of 1999. It takes about 2 hours by the regular line, Hahajima Maru from Futami Port of Chichijima.

- 1 Hahajima Kankokyoukai (Hahajima Tourism Association)
- 2 Ross Museum
- 3 Grave of Mr. Rolfs and Mr. and Mrs. Moitley
- 4 Kiyomigaoka Shonyudo (Kiyomigaoka Limestone Cave)
- 5 Samegasaki
- 6 Wakihama Nagisa Koen (Wakihama Nagisa Park)
- 7 Shokensakiyama (Mt. Shokensaki)
- 8 Ishijiro Kaigan (Ishijiro Beach)
- 9 Sunset Theater
- 10 Tanshoto Bochiato and Roppon-yubi Jizo (Old Searchlight Base and 6 Finger Jizo)
- 11 Higashi-Ko Tanshotoka Houdai (Higashi Port Searchlight Batteries)
- 12 Higashi Port