Map of the Island
Chichijima is the largest island among the Ogasawara Islands, located approximately 1,000km south from Tokyo. It takes 25 hours and 30 minutes from Takeshiba Port to Chichijima’s Futami Port.
There are precious endemic species in the mountains as well as beautiful corals and tropical fish in the sea. Dolphins swim around the island all year long and whales come to raise their calves. Chichijima is a tropical paradise filled with so many wonders, and an island of ecotourism.

- 1 B-Ship (Shoko Kanko Hall/ Commerce and Tourism Hall)
- 2 Ogasawara Visitor Center
- 3 Omura Kaigan (Omura Beach)
- 4 Ogamiyama Koen (Ogamiyama Park)
- 5 Mikazukiyama Tenboudai (Mikazukiyama Observation Deck)
- 6 Ogasawara Suisan Center (Ogasawara Fisheries Center)
- 7 Miyanohama (Miyanohama Beach)
- 8 Tsurihama (Tsurihama Beach)
- 9 Okumura Undojo (Okumura Sports Ground)
- 10 Ogasawara Kaiyo Center (Ogasawara Marine Center)
- 11 Kanrinmaru Bochi (Kanrinmaru Grave)
- 12 Nagasaki Tenbodai (Nagasaki Observation Deck) and the Pillow Lava
- 13 Asahiyama
- 14 Sakaiura (Sakaiura Beach) and Hinkoumaru
- 15 Ogiura (Ogiura Beach)
- 16 Ogasawara Jinja (Ogasawara Shrine)
- 17 Ogasawara Anettai Nogyo Center (Ogasawara Subtropical Agricultural Center)
- 18 Kopepe Kaigan (Kopepe Beach)
- 19 Kominato Kaigan (Kominato Beach)
- 20 Nakayama Toge (Nakayama Pass)
- 21 Buta Kaigan (Buta Beach)
- 22 John Beach
- 23 Jinny Beach
- 24 Green Pepe
- 25 Chuozan (Mt. Chuo)
- 26 Hatsuneura (Hatsuneura Beach)
- 27 Hatsuneura Tenboudai (Hatsuneura Observation Deck)
- 28 Minamijima